
Mr. CA

Mr. CA is the blog mascot for Jaden's Awesome blog. The sports he enjoys are basketball, football, baseball, soccer, tennis, and hockey. He also enjoys reading, writing, drawing pictures, and blogging. Mr.CA has been my mascot since April 11, 2011. His friends are: Panda from Mrs. Yollis' Classroom Blog, Mr. NY from Brothers' Blog, Angel Face from Adia's Babble Blog, Bunny from Grace on the Go, Leo from 2KM and 2KJ, Juan Pablo from Mr. Salsich's Classroom Blog, Popsicle from
Hannah's Hacienda, Tekno from Nick's Picks, and Quicksilver from Open the Door to B4. That is it for now. See you later!

Do you have a blog Mascot?

If so, what is it's name?

If not, what would you name it if you had one?

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