
Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Pride Meme

Challenge #8 for student blogging challenge has a fun little game in it. It was a little game of tag. Here is how you play: First, you get tagged by a blog. Next, you write a post on your blog about what makes you glow with pride. Finally, at the end of your post you tag other blogs. I got tagged by Mrs. Yollis' classroom blog!
What Makes Me Glow With Pride?
There are many things in my life that make me glow with pride, but if I had to pick one, I would pick basketball. In my first season, I scored 0 points. I hate to admit it, but after the last game I was sitting on the floor of the court and crying. My friend Tucker came over and was a great friend by checking to see if I was okay. In my second season (about a year and a half later), I scored 6 points in the season! That made me feel really good because of my devastating first season. In my third and most recent season, I scored 8 points and grabbed 16 rebounds in my first game! That was more than my first two seasons combined! In that season I averaged about 4 points, 10 rebounds, 2 blocks, and 2 steals per game in the ten games I played that season. That third season was amazing! Sadly, my team (the Lakers) lost in the first round of the play-offs to the Magic. My next season starts at the end of next month and I will probably be one of the oldest kids in the league!
I would like to tag Brothers' blog and Grace on the Go.
What makes you glow with pride?
Have you been tagged yet?
If so, who were you tagged by?


  1. Dear Jaden,

    You did a wonderful job explaining what a meme is to your visitors. In addition, your meme paragraph is outstanding! No only is the content terrific, complete with examples to support your ideas, but your clauses really helped the flow of the paragraph.

    The focus of your topic is something we all experience. Whenever we begin a new sport or learn a new skill, we can sometimes be met with a lot of failure which can be frustrating. However, if you keep at something and continue practicing...success can be realized. Like Panda says, "Experience is the best teacher!"

    You mentioned that Tucker was a good friend because he came over and asked you if you were okay. That action demonstrated that he is a good friend. Have you ever supported someone who was feeling frustrated? (No names required. :-)

    I look forward to hearing from the the two bloggers you tagged!

    Your proud teacher,
    Mrs. Y♥llis

  2. Dear Jaden,

    Thank you for mentioning me in your post.
    It is true that I helped you up because that’s what friends are for.

    When I first started playing basketball, I only scored a few points, but I got better and better. Before I new it I scored twenty-one points in one game.

    Are you going to play basketball in the summer?

    If you are playing basketball are you going to ten-foot rim?



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1. Write your comment in the box below. Be sure that you have proofread it for spelling, grammar, punctuation, and capitalization. Students should have a parent check it!

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4. All comments have to be approved by me.