
Wednesday, June 29, 2011

1,000 Visitors!

On June 18, 2011, I got to 1,000 visitors on my blog! It is amazing because I have had visitors from all  around the world. For example, I have blogging friends from right here in my hometown all the way to Australia! When I got up, and looked at my clustr maps gadget I had to refresh the page to believe what I was seeing.

It is crazy that this is my 22nd post! I remember when I got 50 comments on my welcome post! That was amazing! My point is that if you try hard you will succeed (like me getting 1,000 visitors). I hope that everyone who has read this post learned a lesson from it.

Do you have over 1,000 visitors on your blog?

If so, what is the exact number of visitors?


  1. Dear Jaden,

    I'm very happy that we got to 1,000 visitors on our blog. It is crazy that we even met people from Australia through blogging! I just looked at our Clustr Maps gadget. We have 1,064 visitors so far on our blog!

    Mr. CA

  2. @ Mr. CA.

    Thank you for leaving a comment! It is always very nice to hear from you.

    I'm also very happy that we got to 1,000 visitors on our blog. Thanks for looking at how many visitors we have now. I hope we get to 1,100 soon.

    Have you met Tekno yet? He is Nick's Picks new mascot. I hope that you guys will get to be good friends.


  3. Hi Jaden,
    My name is Mrs. Schmidt and I am one of the mentor teachers in the Student Blogging Challenge September 2011. I teach 3rd grade in Pennsylvania.

    Do you know Mrs. Yollis from CA? My students and I met her on Skype. We loved her class blog so much that we started our own blog last summer. We were on a mission to get more and more red dots on our Clustr Map! We joined the Student Blogging Challenge last March and posted our blog in the International Blog Directory. This summer, when our blog turned one, we had 2,247 hits! The children were so excited! We really enjoy using our blog to meet other students around the world.

    Well have fun in the challenge. I'll be checking back to read your posts again soon.

    Mrs. Schmidt

  4. Dear Mrs. Schmidt,

    I do know Mrs. Yollis. In fact, she was my teacher last year. Also, she just won teacher of the year for my school district. I think it is great that you teach blogging in your classroom and hope that one day all teachers teach with blogging. Happy blogging!



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