
Friday, June 10, 2011

Happy Birthday, Mrs. Yollis!

Tomorrow is June 11, 2011. That is Mrs. Yollis' birthday! This is not just like any regular post or birthday. It is a happy birthday post and it is an extraordinary teacher's birthday. Mrs. Yollis, I remember that my friend Dylan and his mom were telling me how you were an amazing teacher. They were definitely right! In fact, I think that if I made a poll right now if they were right or wrong there would be one-hundred votes and 100% of them would be right.

I wish I could be at school today to celebrate it with you. Sadly, I am sick. I hope that you have a great birthday! 

Here is what my mom has to say:
Mrs. Yollis, Happy Birthday! We hope you have a fabulous birthday. We are so fortunate to have had you for a teacher. You are a beautiful person inside and out and an extraordinary teacher. Enjoy your special day!

Have you ever had a blogging birthday?
When is your birthday? (Mine is on August 15)


  1. ♥ ☺ ♥ ☺ ♥ ☺ ♥ ☺ ♥ ☺ ♥ ☺ ♥ ☺ ♥

    Dear Jaden,

    Thank you so much for the lovely birthday post! We read it in class today and really missed you! It was a really thoughtful thing to do, and I'm still smiling about it! I also appreciate that your mom took the time to say such a lovely compliment. This will be a birthday card I'll be able to enjoy forever! :-)

    Your kind words make me glow with pride!

    It has been a pleasure having you in my class this year. I've watched you grow as a writer, and I can't wait to see what you'll come up with next!

    Your happy teacher,
    Mrs. Y♥llis

    ♥ ☺ ♥ ☺ ♥ ☺ ♥ ☺ ♥ ☺ ♥ ☺ ♥ ☺ ♥

  2. Dear Jaden,

    How thoughtful of you to make a happy birthday post for your wonderful teacher.

    I agree, if you polled people about Mrs Yollis 100% would agree that she is terrific!

    Mrs Yollis has many friends around the world and some of them got together to make this post for her!

    You can leave a comment on the VoiceThread if you like.

    I hope you are feeling better soon. I know you won't want to miss the last week of your school year with Mrs Yollis!

    Best wishes,
    Mrs M☀rris

  3. Dear Jaden,

    How lovely of you too to do a special post on Mrs Yollis birthday.
    She sure is one very special lady.

    I think it is so wonderful of you and the rest of your blogging communties wanting to act knowledge Mrs Yollis on her very special day. You sure are a great bunch of guys and gals!

    Mrs Yollis is someone who gives so much, now it is our turn to give some her something back which you have and I think this is just awesome Jaden.

    Great work Jaden.

    Yours sincerely,

  4. @ Mrs. Yollis,

    I'm so glad you liked the special birthday post. It is nice to hear that you read my post to the class because I like it when my classmates can hear my posts. I think my mom will be flattered when she hears that you appreciate that she took the time to say a lovely compliment.

    I would like to thank you for saying that it was a pleasure for you to have me in your class this year.

    @ Mrs. Morris,

    If I polled 100 people they would definetly agree with me that she is terrific.

    I really enjoyed listening to the video and the VoiceThread. It was very thoughtful to do that.

    I also hope I am feeling better soon. Another reason besides wanting to spend my last week of the school year with Mrs. Yollis, is that I start camp the week after school ends.

    @ AA,

    I agree that Mrs. Yollis is very, very special. Also, I am glad that you liked my post.

    In my opinion, everyone who has a blog should make a post about Mrs. Yollis' birthday because she is such a terrific blogger and person.

    I really like BB's post, and especially the video. She also had a terrific poem.


    P.S. You all are very good bloggers!

  5. @ Jaden,

    thankyou for writing back to me.

    Do, hope your feeling better.
    I love the fact you mentioned in your comment that everyone who has a blog should do a post about Mrs Yollis birthday because I agree with you. :) Great call!

    Take care Jaden,
    From AA.

  6. @ AA,

    Your welcome for writing back to you.

    If someone did not agree with me when I said, "In my opinion, everyone who has a blog shoulld make a post about Mrs. Yollis' birthday because sh is such a terrific blogger and person." then they deffinetly do not know Mrs. Yollis.



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