
Sunday, September 18, 2011

Champion: Lakers vs. Warriors

A few months ago there was a poll competition. You had ten days to vote for the winner, and the results are in. Remember, all four of these are winners because each of them either won a poll or tied a poll, but only one can become champion. I hope you are happy with who you voted for!

In a three way tie for second place, 20% of the poll, and 3 votes: Mr. CA plays basketball, Disney Wonder, and New House and New School!

And the winner is, Lakers vs. Warriors. Lakers vs. Warriors had 6 votes and 40% of the poll. I think the reason besides it being a great post that made it win was that most people who know about my blog live in L.A, so they like the Lakers.

Personally, I liked Disney Wonder because it was very fun just to relax for 10 days in a row. No one else can say that though unless you were on it with me. I also liked it because Mr. CA was in it.

There will be another poll competition starting any time from November, 2011-January, 2012. I hope you enjoyed this poll competition and will join in on the next one!

Picture drawn by me.
Photo taken by my dad.

Did you like the poll competition?

Who did you vote for in the three polls?


  1. Dear Jaden,

    I liked the post you put up on your blog. I voted for the post, Disney Wonder. Also, I really like your blog. I hope you keep doing great posts!

    From Your Sister,

  2. @ Lexi,

    Thank you for the compliments! I also really liked the post, Disney Wonder. Sadly, Lakers vs. Warriors won. I'm glad you like my blog. I hope that I keep doing great posts too!

    From Your Brother,

  3. Dear Jaden,

    Well it was nice to see a winner being selected. Like you said, they were all winners!

    I think your logic about you living in Los Angeles and most of your readers living in Los Angeles probably explains it all.

    I wonder what you will write about next? How is the Blogging Challenge going?

    Did you see that Miss W. and Davo the Tasmanian Devil are in the United States?

    Mrs. Y♥llis

  4. @ Mrs. Yollis,

    My next post is not a secret. It is about a tourist attraction in California. Even though the post is not a secret the attraction that I'm writing about is.

    The Blogging Challenge is going pretty good. I've already had someone comment from the Sonoran Desert!

    I did see that Miss W. was traveling to the United States! Is she going to come to your classroom?



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