
Sunday, October 30, 2011

Book Signing: Scary School (Book Review Included)

This October, I went to my local Barnes and Noble for a book signing, reading, and costume contest.

Me and the Author

First, there were only two kids including me. The author, Derek the Ghost, did a choose your own adventure story. Both of us survived one day at scary school! That is very hard! Next, about 5 more kids came. He read a very scary chapter called, Dr. Dragonbreath's rules. Then, he took some questions. I asked a few. There is a secret chapter in the first book, so I asked him, " Is there going to be a secret chapter in the next book?". He said there are going to be a few in the next book. After that, he signed our copies of Scary School. Here is what he wrote to me:



Next, there was a costume contest. If you go to the top of this post you can see my costume. The only other person who competed didn't know about the costume contest, but he was in his basketball uniform. I won because of my helmet! Each of us got a handful of candy. Also, I got a free book because I won!

The book I won

He gave everyone a T-shirt.

My handful of candy. (I already ate two) Mmm...

My new book signed

Here is a book review I wrote:
The book Scary School is about the first school ever that combines regular kids and monster kids. It is told by the point of view of Derek the Ghost. He is an amazing author! The story is mostly about the fifth grade classes. The two fifth grade teachers are Ms. Fang, an 850 year old vampire, and Dr. Dragonbreath, who ate 28 of his 30 students in the first 12 minutes of school. Being dead is no excuse for being dead at Scary School because they have the best Nurse ever, Nurse Hairymoles. She can bring anyone back to life, but she makes it so they are very badly sick the next day. You do not want to go to detention because you have to spend it with Mrs T, who is a hungry T-Rex who might eat you before recess. I think you should get and read this book A.S.A.P.
Derek the Ghost's website:
Have you read Scary School?
Who is your favorite teacher?
What is your favorite chapter?
Who is you favorite kid?
What's your favorite book? (Scary School is mine)


  1. Great job Jaden! I bet Max & Cole would love to read Scary School. In a couple of weeks we have a Book Bonanza program @ our Barnes & Noble. It's a fun event where our teachers and others share their love of reading with the students. We will look for the book there! Can't wait to see you all next month!
    Love, Aunt Christine, Max, & Cole

  2. Jaden, you have done a great job on your blog. The book sounds great, maybe you can bring it with you to New York in December.
    PaPa Charlie

  3. @ Aunt Christine,

    I also think Max and Cole would love to read Scary School. I heard about this book from when our teachers were reading. There was a sign about it in the children section. If they like that, they can see what his other books are on his website. See you soon!

    @ Papa Charlie,

    Thank you for your compliment! I'm glad you took the time to read my blog. I'll bring the book in December. Do you want me to bring the book I won?


  4. Jaden:

    I think it is great that you won the costume contest. It seems like Scary School is a very popular book. Do you think I would like it?


  5. @ Dad,

    It is great I won the costume contest. It is also very suprising. I don't think Scary School is that popular. You would probably like it. Do you want to read it and the other book he gave me?



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