
Monday, November 21, 2011

Edublog Award Nominations

This week the Student Blogging Challenge asked us to nominate a student and class blog for the Edublog Awards. I knew which class blog to nominate right away, but it took a while to figure out who to nominate for best student blog.

I've decided to nominate Mrs. Yollis' Classroom Blog for best class blog. I chose her blog because she posts about such amazing things. For example, over the summer she posted about her trip to Hawaii. It was very interesting to watch the videos she took!

For best student blog I nominate Ethan (Gamekid). He does amazing posts about his life, the world, and different blogs. Also, he always does magnificent posts about the Student Blogging Challenge. In my opinion, he should be the one to win best student blog.

Who did you nominate?


  1. Dear Jaden,

    Thank you so much for nominating us for Best Class Blog! Even though you are now in fourth grade and with a different teacher, you are still a member of our global community! I think that is pretty great!

    What a terrific pick for your Best Student Blog! You have a wonderful blogging connection with him!

    I'm proud of the blogger you have become. Your writing is just getting better and better! Love it!

    Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family!

    Your former teacher,
    Mrs. Y♥llis

  2. @ Mrs. Yollis,

    Thank you for your magnificent comment! I'm going to try to be doing my blog until at least the end of sixth grade.

    Ethan has an amazing blog. I can't wait to see who he nominates! It is probably going to be you for Best Class Blog!

    I think the blogging is definetly making me a better writer. Happy Thanksgiving to you too!


  3. Hi Jaden,

    Thank you for nominating my blog for best student blog. I really appreciate it.

    Come to my blog to look at my new post about my nominations.


  4. @ Ethan,

    Thank you so much for nominating my blog! I've now been nominated two times! Mrs. Yollis has won first runner up for Best Class Blog for the past two years. I think this is her lucky year.

    Hopefully one of us win Best Student Blog! Are there any student blogs you would recommend to me?




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