
Thursday, January 5, 2012

Round 1: Ultimate Blogging Challenge

It is time for the Ultimate Blogging Challenge to start! First thing is first, let's find out the official teams:

Team 1: Jaden and Ethan

Team 2: Mark and Jake

Team 3: Clarrisa and Dylan

This will not usually happen, but this week each team will have two challenges. The first one is the same one for every team. Figure out a team name by writing comments to each other on this post! Then, write a comment to me telling me your blog's name!

This is the list of challenges that your team will have:

Team 1: write a comment on the other person's last post and every single one they publish until January 10th

Team 2: write a post about a sport

Team 3: write a comment on every blog in the challenge by January 10th

If someone on team 3 writes a good comment on your blog (correct capitalization and punctuation), but you don't publish it for some reason, leave a comment on my blog telling me, so I make sure they get credit.

I hope you don't get eliminated in the first round!


  1. Dear Jaden,

    Okay. I have to find a team name and write a post about a sport. Got it!


  2. Hi Jaden,

    Here is a list of team names:

    1. Spectacular Bloggers
    2. Blogging Duo
    3. Outstanding Bloggers

    Jaden I couldn't pick out any, but would you prefer any on the list?


  3. @ Mark,

    I hope you guys pick a good name. If you don't do both challenges by January 10th, you are out! I wish you luck!

    @ Ethan,

    I read your latest post! So, you like 39 clues? So do I! I'm on page 33 of the first book. Do they give you all 39 clues in that book? Here are some more names:

    1. 39 Bloggers

    2. Maze of Bones

    If you don't like either of those, I like Blogging Duo the best! Remember to do the other challenge!


  4. Dear Jake,

    We're partners, so, here's some idea team names:

    Ultimate Bloggers

    Wise Writers

    Just 2 Typists

    Tell me what you think.


  5. @Dylan,

    Here's a list of names:
    The Egyptian Bloggers
    The Blogging Dodgers


    Cool Clarissa

  6. @ Clarissa,

    Why'd you just write Cool Clarissa?


  7. @Jaden

    "Write a comment to me telling me your blog's name!" you said.


  8. Hi Jaden,

    I like Blogging Duo. They don't do all of the clues in one book, but I think in every book they have one clue.


  9. Dear Jaden and bloggers,

    I think all of you are doing a wonderful job working together! :-)

    One of the things I notice is that you are very respectful to one another when you leave a comment. Sometimes it is hard to tell the *tone* of a written comment. When you read a comment, you don't see a person's facial expressions or hear their voice. That makes commenting tricky. All of you are polite and quite impressive! Way to go!

    Jaden, I'm enjoying your project! I like how you are encouraging bloggers to work together but also practice quality writing!

    Go teams!

    Mrs. Y♥llis

  10. @ Clarissa,

    I told you to write a comment telling me your team's name!

    @ Ethan,

    I guess our team's name is Blogging Duo then! So far I've only read to where there is a fire, so they need to get out of the secret library. Are you reading the 2nd book now?

    @ Mrs. Yollis,

    I agree that all of us are doing a wonderful job working together! Thank you for your comment! I'm very happy that you are enjoying my project! Have you ever put something together like this?

    Your friend,

  11. Hi Jaden,

    No, I'm not reading the second book now, I'm trying to get the forth book. I've read the first second and third book in the 39 Clues Series. I'm writing the Clues down on a piece of paper so I remember the Clues.


  12. @Jaden

    Oh ok. Dylan hasn't comment yet though? What happens? Do we get eliminated?

  13. @ Clarissa,

    If he doesn't do both his challenges by January 10th, you get eliminated!


    1. @ Clarissa,

      Jaden approved my former student Miriam as a substitute for Dylan. She will be joining you on the next challenge! Go Clarissa and Miriam!

      Mrs. Y♥llis

  14. Hi Jaden,

    When is the next Challenge going to start? Is any one eliminated?



Getting feedback is important to our writers. Let us know what you liked or what you learned.

Steps to Comment:

1. Write your comment in the box below. Be sure that you have proofread it for spelling, grammar, punctuation, and capitalization. Students should have a parent check it!

2. Choose an identity. (If you have a gmail account, use it. If not, simply choose "Anonymous".)

3. Click "Publish your Comment". You may preview your comment before publishing if you'd like.

4. All comments have to be approved by me.