
Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Lakers vs. Warriors

On November 21, I went to a Lakers game. They were playing against the Golden State Warriors. We had special parking, but it still took a long time to get there because they were just ending the MTV music awards and the L.A auto show was starting near the Staples Center. My dad got us great seats because he got them from the company he works for. At the game, we saw my dad's friend Albert. Albert sat right next to us with his friend. At the end of the first quarter, the score was something like 30-17 Lakers. After the second quarter, it was about 60-30 Lakers. When the third quarter was over, it was around 80-55. At the end of the game, the Lakers won by about 30 points. In my opinion, a reason the Warriors lost was because they were fooling around before the game. I think another reason was because David Lee was hurt. The Lakers got over 100 points so I got 2 free tacos from Jack in the Box and my dad got two free tacos from Jack in the Box. It was also Chick Hearn day so we each got our very own Chick Hearn paperweights! Here is a picture of me at the Lakers game:

Have you ever been to a Lakers game?

Who did the Lakers play?

Who won?


  1. Dear Jaden,

    WOW! I thought that your new post was absolutely wonderful. I have been to a Lakers game. It was really spectatular because not only did I see them on T.V. I saw them in real life. The Lakers played the Washington Wizards. The Lakers won. They were so good. I do not think that I could shoot that many baskets! They must have practiced a lot!

    I used to play basketball when I was younger. I did not think that it was my kind of sport because I am really not that active, and when I played there were mostly boys. I was the only girl. I did not like being the only girl.

    I have some questions for you:

    Was the game mobbed?(means crowded)

    Have you ever played basketball?

    Is this your first time going to a Laker game?

    Did you like going to the Laker game?

    Did you have lots of food there? I know I did. I had a hotdog, popcorn, and ice cream. It was amazing!


  2. Dear Jaden,

    I am very glad the Lakers won. I have gone to many Laker games.I have absolute favorite. I forgot who they played but, they dominated the team. You said that the team was goofing off before the game, well, when I went the team did the same! I loved the game because we got to sit in these seats where the was like a room! You could order almost anything you want without getting up! I had a carmel apple! I also had some tasty salted walnuts! Basketball is one of my favorite sports. What did you eat at your game? From Ryan

  3. Dear Jaden,

    What a fantastic post about your trip to the Lakers vs. the Warriors game! I love watching basketball, but I haven't been to a game in a long time. My cousin used to coach for the Golden State Warriors. When he was coach, they did not fool around!

    Who is your favorite basketball player and why? I don't really have a favorite, but I think it is a great game.

    For those who don't know...can you explain who Chick Hearn was?

    Your teacher,
    Mrs. Y♥llis

  4. Hi Jaden,

    What a spectacular post about the Lakers vs. Warriors!

    I have been to two Lakers games before but I will only write about my experience about the game I went in the beginning of December. It's more recent.

    When I went to the game, Lakers was versing Clippers. Lakers won by one point.

    Clippers was one point ahead of Lakers, but when there were only three seconds left, Derek Fisher shot a two pointer and the score was sixty-six Clippers, sixty-seven Lakers. Of course, it is not a surprise, Lakers had won the game.

    At the game, no one in the crowd thought that Lakers could win the game with three seconds left but they were wrong. Lakers can!

    My favorite basketball players are Kobe Bryant and Derek Fisher. I like Kobe Bryant because he is always scoring a lot of points for the Lakers and he got the MVP many times. I admire him so much that I even have his jersey!

    I like Derek Fisher a lot because in the last game for the finals, when there was Lakers vs. Boston, he shot a three pointer and that is why Lakers won the Championship. I also like him because he is a very nice man. I met him before. I wanted to take a picture with him but his bodyguard didn't allow me.

    You are very lucky that you got two free tacos from Jack in the Box. For both of the games I went to, Lakers did not go over one-hundred points. They were in the sixties.


  5. @ Alexa,

    It is better watching the Lakers in real life than on T.V. The Wizards are not that good. That is why they got the first pick in the draft. When you are in the NBA you do need to practice a lot. My sister said she played basketball at school one day, and she was the only person who scored. The game was super crowded. My team is 2-3 in basketball, so I do play basketball. It was not my first time going to a Laker game. I did like going to the Laker game. I only had McDonalds and a McFlurry.

    Dear Ryan,

    I am very glad the Lakers won too. I've gone to many Laker games too. It's too bad you forgot who they played. It is not too often when you see a team goofing around. I have only been in a box seat when I went to an Angels game. I ate McDonalds and a McFlurry.

    Dear Mrs. Yollis,

    I love watching basketball too, and I recently went to a Clipper game. They beat the Indiana Pacers the day after they beat the Lakers. That is crazy that your cousin coached the Golden State Warriors. What is his name? That is good that they did not fool around when he was the coach. My favorite basketball player is Kobe Bryant because in my opinion he is the 2nd best NBA player ever. Chick Hearn was a Lakers anouncer for over 50 years.

    @ Adia,

    It is fun to go to Laker games now because they have lots of new talent. It is not that suprising that the Lakers beat the Clippers. That is crazy that Derek Fisher made a 2 pointer to win the game. The Lakers can always win a game if they are down by one point with three seconds to go. My favorite player is Kobe Bryant too. I do not have his Lakers jersey, but I do have his West All-Star jersey. That is crazy that you went to two Laker games, and the Lakers scored in the sixties both times.


  6. @ Alexa,

    It is better watching the Lakers in real life than on T.V. The Wizards are not that good. That is why they got the first pick in the draft. When you are in the NBA you do need to practice a lot. My sister said she played basketball at school one day and she was the only person who scored. The game was super crowded when I went to the Lakers game. My team is 2-4 in basketball, so I do play basketball. It was not my first time going to a Laker game. I did like going to the Laker game. I only had McDonalds and a McFlurry.

    Dear Ryan,

    I am very glad the Lakers won too. I've also gone to many Laker games. It's too bad you forgot who they played. It is not too often when you see a team goofing around. I have only been in a box seat when I went to an Angels game. I ate McDonalds and a McFlurry.

    Dear Mrs. Yollis,

    I love watching basketball too and I recently went to a Clipper game. They beat the Indiana Pacers the day after they beat the Lakers. That is crazy that your cousin coached the Golden State Warriors. What is his name? That is good that they did not fool around when he was the coach. My favorite basketball player is Kobe Bryant because in my opinion he is the 2nd best NBA player ever. Chick Hearn was a Lakers anouncer for over 50 years.

    @ Adia,

    It is fun to go to Laker games now because they have lots of new talent. It is not that suprising that the Lakers beat the Clippers. That is crazy that Derek Fisher made a 2 pointer to win the game. In my opinion, the Lakers can always win a game if they are down by one point with three seconds to go. My favorite player is Kobe Bryant too. I do not have his Lakers jersey, but I do have his West All-Star jersey. That is crazy that you went to two Laker games and the Lakers scored in the sixties both times.



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