
Wednesday, December 1, 2010


On November 11, I got 50 comments on my welcome post!

I thought we should do something special since it was my first post ever. My mom said that we could have cookies. Right when I got home from my karate class, my mom started making the cookies. I was watching TV since I had a sore back from sparring my sensei. Sparring is fighting lightly with pads on. After a little while, the cookies were ready! My mom over cooked them. It did not make a difference to how it tasted.

My sister and I had chocolate chip cookies and my mom had a cranberry cookie and a chocolate chip cookie. I got two cookies, my sister got two cookies and my mom got two cookies. The cookies were very good!

Blog owners, have you ever gotten 50 or more comments on one post?

Did you celebrate?

Does anyone like my welcome post more than any of my other posts? Why?


  1. Dear J★den,

    Great job on your huge amount of comments! We are very excited to see all of your future posts, and look back at all the first couple of posts and see how much better you have gotten in the time that has past. Do you think you will get better at commenting, as well as posting? We sure do!

    We are going to bake cookies today too. Ours are also going to be chocolate chip cookies. What are your favorite kind? Ours our chocolate chip cookies!

    Im★n and Amit★i

  2. Hi Jaden,

    Congratulations on the 50 comments! I think it is amazing that you got such a giant amount. (I hope I spelled giant right. It's one of our vocabulary words).

    I absolutely adore cookies, but most likely for my favorite one, it would be sugar cookies. The texture is so soft and smooth and the cookies' flavor is just a delicacy!

    Personally, I love your Welcome post better than your others, because everyone gets to actually know your blog and what it's about including your future posts and it gives some information about you. The Welcome post welcomes everyone to your blog, which is an absolute great thing.

    I have three questions:

    Do you have a favorite kind of cookie?

    If so, what is it?

    What is your favorite post you have done so far?

    Hope to comment again!

    Sincerest regards,
    Adia =)

    (P.S. You are a great blogger. It's so dumbfounding to see how much work you put into your blog. Keep up the good work!)

  3. @ Adia...
    Wow, what a great comment. You used such descriptive words. I am dumbfounded by the vocabulary you have for a third grader ;)
    @ Jaden...
    I am very proud of all of your blog posts, but my favorite one was the one about our new house and how it felt for you to start a new school this year.
    Happy Blogging,
    Marcie (Jaden's Mom)

  4. Hi Jaden,
    Wow ... your blog is really good! Loved seeing the picture of the deer in your backyard and hearing all about moving to a new house, a new school, and making new friends too. Especially nice to know of all your many hobbies and skills as well.
    Oh, by the way, this is your mom's cousin posting from Coral Springs, Florida who was lucky enough to have your mom send me the link to your site. I really enjoyed it.
    Keep up the great work on your blog Jaden, you sure have a lot of fans!!

    p.s. any time your mom wants to ship some of those chocolate
    chip cookies this way, please let her know she's got a welcoming
    crew of chocolate lovers here too! Thanks!
    your long distance cuz,

  5. Dear Iman and Amitai,

    I am very excited to make new posts, so people like you can read and comment on them. I am positive I will get better at commenting and posting. My favorite kinds of cookies are also chocolate chip cookies.

    @ Adia,

    You did spell giant right. I think it is amazing that I got that many comments too. I like sugar cookies, but I like chocolate chip cookies more. I think I like my Welcome post best because it is my most popular post.

  6. Jaden, your story about the basketball draft and the success of Mr. CA was very clever.
    PaPa Charlie


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