
Sunday, December 4, 2011

Edublog Awards 2011: Please Vote for me!

If you look closely my blog is the one at the bottom!

About 30 minutes ago, I found out that I am in the voting round for Best Student Blog in the 2011 Edublog Awards! When I first found out that I was nominated by my dad, I was very excited. I didn't know what was coming next though. Later that day, I was nominated by my Blogging Buddy, Ethan! It still was not over! The next day, I was very excited about some news. My friend, Mark, nominated me for Best Student Blog, too! It was an honor just getting nominated!
Now, it would be an honor if when you finish reading this post you vote for me. Please vote for me daily! Here is how to vote for me! Follow this link: Edublog Awards! Once you click on the link, you will see a gadget in the sidebar that says Vote now! It will ask you what category you want to vote for. Choose Best Student Blog! Then, it will ask you which blog you want to vote for. Pick Jaden's Blog! Please vote for me every day!
Did you get nominated? How many times?
Did you make it into the voting round?
Who did you vote for? 


  1. Jaden,

    This is your counselor from keystone, Ice. I just wanted to say congratulations on the success of your blog and wish you the best of luck in the competition. I will definitely be voting for you! Hope the school year is going well and you are having a good year.


    P.S.- I miss all the great times we had this summer. Hope to see you again next summer.

  2. Dear Jaden,

    Good job on getting on the ballot for Best Student Blog. I'm voting for you everyday.


  3. Dear Jaden,

    I voted for you once so far, but I will everyday. I just created a blog. Here is a link: I hope I have fun with my new blog. Do you like having a blog?


  4. @ Ice,

    Thank you so much for commenting and voting for me! Also, thanks for wishing me luck! The Edublog Awards are tonight at 4 PST. I hope I win. I miss all the great times we had this summer too!



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