
Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Winner: Edublog Awards 2011

Today, the Edublog Awards were on! I was waiting only for 10-20 minutes until my category was up. My category was Best Student Blog. I got 610 votes. That was the second most in any category! I was so happy when I heard that I won. Here is my acceptance speech:

Hello! This is Jaden from Jaden's Awesome Blog. Congratulations to all of the other nominees! First, I would like to thank my former teacher, Mrs. Yollis. If it wasn't for her I would've never started a blog. Next, I would like to thank my friends, family, and everyone else who voted for me. I couldn't of done it without you guys! Thank you so much!

I hope you liked my speech! It was amazing to win Best Student Blog! Here is a badge I put on my sidebar:


Have you ever won an award?

What award?

Who did you vote for in the Edublog Awards?


  1. Hi,

    Congratulations! Did you watch the live ceremony. I got nominated too but I did not get in the top 5 list.

    Love your blog!

  2. WOO HOO!

    Congratulations, Jaden!

    Ross Mannell (teacher)
    NSW, Australia

  3. @ Alexandra,

    Thank you so much for commenting on my blog! Congratulations on your nomination. I'm going to check out your blog later today! What was your feeling when you found out that you were nominated?

    @ Mr. Mannell,

    Thank you so much for commenting! It is really nice to hear from you. Did you get shortlisted in any catagories? If so, what was your feeling when you found out that you were shortlisted?


  4. Dear Jaden,
    Congratulations on winning Best Student Blog! Was it very exciting to win online?
    I won something toolast night and my dogs started barking when I started screaming at my house. I was kind of excited!
    Keep blogging and reading!
    Mrs. Hembree (Bulldog Readers Blog)

  5. Dear Jaden,

    Well done and cogratulations on winning this awesome award!

    All your hard work has paid off.

    All the best with your blog and I hope you keep on blogging for many years to come.


  6. @ Mrs. Hembree,

    Thank you for commenting! Congratulations on getting second in the Best Librarian/Library Blog! You would've tied for first if you got 2 more votes! It was very exciting to win! I was more suprised on how many votes I got though.

    @ AA,

    Thank you for commenting on my blog! I think that BB has an excellent blog and she should've at least made the top 5. I'm happy that you think all my hard work has paid off. Hopefully, it will continue paying off!


  7. Dear Jaden,

    Congratulations on a big win for Best Student Blog! I am very proud of you!

    I thought you did a wonderful job with your acceptance speech. Not only was it thoughtful, but you spoke slowly and clearly. Terrific!

    It was fun to see so many friends in the audience. Blogging is a wonderful way to connect and learn.

    Your former teacher,
    Mrs. Y♥llis

  8. Congratulation for winning for best student blog! You did a wonderful job on your blog !
    Your future looks bright !
    Naida Gould
    aka Jake's mom

  9. Hi Jaden,

    Congratulations on winning the award. I voted for you when I got the chance to vote.


  10. Dear Jaden,

    This is so wonderful that you won this outstanding award. Well done!

    It just shows what a wonderful blog you have and how heaps of other fellow blogger love reading your awesome blog too!

    WOO HOO your blog is awesome.

    From your friend,

  11. Congratulations on your Edublogs win.

    I added your blog to My Student Blogs page:

    Mrs. Yollis is an outstanding teacher.

  12. I was in the Best student Blog Catagory!


  13. Dear Jaden,

    Congratulations Jaden! I hope everyone can congratulate you when they get a chance.



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